As you may have noticed, this young talent recently joined the Paradise Sound System force! Jozified Manik was born in South Africa, in Soweto. He has been influenced by music through his family, which led him to forge a passion for it later in life. He recently released his second single with PSS, which you can find across all platforms.
Meanwhile, you can get to know him better, and discover more about his career, and his future goals and dreams in the music industry, on this interview below. Enjoy!
Q: Tell us about your background? Where did you grow up?
A: I was born in Soweto, but grew up in Spruitview, Katlehong City of Ekurulani. Overall my childhood was filled with music. Thats how i eventually got into producing. Influenced by my family music’s taste and the music style that was popular at that time in the townships of Mzansi.
Q: What were the challenges you faced?
In terms of music, most problems I faced back in the days was not been able to afford to buy my favorite artists CDs/Cassettes. My mom would complain about buying me music when it was not my birthday or any special occasion.
Q: How did you begin to get into electronic music?
Honeslty from day one. I grew up listening to electronic music because of my dad and his friends, and my family. Myself and UmaBhengu (we later formed Houz Addictz), we seriously started playing around with my DAW around my finale years of high school after meeting Prosper from Poortjie who introduced me into djing. Then ended up meeting the guys from Jozi.
Q: What made you take a step further and become a dj?
A: Music is my therapy. Djing my favorite songs keeps me sane. I love the art of djing. So what was? Might just go with it.
Q: What is it that you most enjoy about it?
Besides the calmness that it brings to me, its the joy that people experience when hearing a song for the first-time.
Q: What have been so far the highlights of your career?
Releasing my full length album and the creation of my label
Q: What are your upcoming goals?
Getting signed to an agency for gigs, that would be great. I would love to get gigs to events that understand or play music that inspire me and continue to develop my skills in music production.
Q: What is it that you are looking forward the most about working with us?
The learning experience that I will be exposed to. Ive already learned alot and will continue to learn more.
Don’t forget to follow Jozified ManiK on his Instagram.
For more information about Paradise Sound System, follow this link.