RISE UP – A Nighttime Manifesto

Nighttime Manifesto

By Vibelab 

“Rise Up for a better future – The Nighttime Manifesto” A collective reflection of the values of the global nighttime communities that calls for a large-scale acknowledgement and improvement for the night.

As we recover from a global pandemic, impacted by severe climate change, increase in costs of living & cuts to the arts; the Nighttime Manifesto aims to acknowledge the importance of shared social spaces and safety at night. As we all know, Nightlife is culture & night time spaces are essential for individuals, communities and cities.

“In a time of isolation, polarization, and digitalization, nightlife remains an essential analogue space in which people from different walks of life can come together, dance, play, and express themselves and their creativity in the collective presence of others.” extract from Rise Up- A Nighttime Manifesto

What it stands for

120 visionaries from nightlife communities came together to share their aspirations for the future of nightlife & the road they commit to taking us all there. As per written in the Manifesto, they stand for a night that is communal, creative, safe and sustainable.


According to the Nighttime Manifesto, the actions that will inspire a better future are:

  • Bridging the gap between communities
  • Ensuring the safety of scenes
  • Fostering the next generation of advocates
  • Improving working conditions
  • Raising the awareness of nightlife
  • Strengthening nighttime advocacy solidarity

The Culture of Clubbing as a part of UNESCO Cultural Heritage

Earlier this year our team took part at the Rave The Planet Parade, that took place in Berlin after a hiatus due to the Pandemic. German DJ Dr Motte, founder of the original Love Parade, gave a speech and of course, called for the culture of clubbing a part of UNESCO world Heritage.

“Culture refers to values, traditions and different identities. A heritage is something that is handed down from generation to generation. A heritage is something that is handed down from generation to generation.” – is stated in The Rave The Planet Organization website.

You can read more about our Paradise team at the Rave The Planet Parade, here.

Building Bridges

Each territory is different, so there might be different limitations and challenges to be faced in different parts of the globe. With this in mind, the manifesto is a call to action for everyone involved in the nightlife to take the points above mentioned and nurture a discussion in all communities worldwide.

We are proudly part of the Africa Rising Music Conference, a platform that seeks to represent, include and advance future females in the music industry. With a program that includes different nighttime showcases, we are constantly working on pushing the agenda forward by the interchange between international and local artists in South Africa, to develop the steps mentioned in the Nighttime Manifesto.

*Headline photo taken during Africa Rising Music 2022